The Joy of Living | Saturday 17th August 2019
Life is made of the meaning we give the cosmic soup served to us by God. It is a process of meaning-making from the time we are born. The meaning we bring to each moment becomes the memories that remain long after we are gone. We are alive to meaning and the richer its process the more fulfilled we feel at any point Life has over time meant something more substantive than the harsh material lived reality of a currency used to measure human worth as data. I thought about it at a crisis point when my own life felt meaningless worthlessness and worthyness
Dance is not something we speak – as per eminent Odissi danseuse Sujata Mohapatra everything is the dance, what we eat matters as much as what we say thnk do and feel While we count out sequential steps in a daily time cycle composed of a typical programme for a creatively intelligent being to use its energy forces wisely at the highest resonance of inspirational potential possibilities, alignment of values and real needs calculations - that moderated truth - creating barriers in solving the equation of art and science by using a lifescience common denominators.
These 3 are the xyz variables common to art and science as the magic formulae for a potent solution that dissolves complex challenges made up of deeply rooted problems designed on the wrong assumptions which generated too weak solutions for the depth of problem to be explored by chemical engineers who get chemistry in a jar - as nuclear atomic war games on a mass scale. I imagine cancer is such a war within the body..