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We select our clients based on the human value and impact of their work. The job to be done in each assignment serves a higher goal.    

Building a virtual university using Creation iLab's C8 approach of creative intelligence has set our client apart from other knowledge leaders in the world. It is our partner of choice for knowledge innovation especially in Afrika.



Wendy van Schalkwyk

MD Mi-Ashanti Holdings Africa

Whether its sustainability, luxury in Africa, the 4th Industrial Revolution, design thinking or trend insights, Merlegrace's masterclass into The Unthinkable Future is a highlight of African Fashion International Cape Town Fashion Week.


Roshnee Pillay

Marketing Manager AFI

We support the vision and mission of Ceation iLab by collaborating on  Afrikan innovation to upskill international interns, volunteering on our township projects.



Candi Horgan

Founder Prójekt Ubuntu Community Projects

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